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38 Brutal Truths About Being An Entrepreneur

38 Brutal Truths About Being An Entrepreneur

In between the sea of marketing hype, and fantasy, lies the brutal truths about being an entrepreneur. These are the truths that very few talk about, and/or even know about. Think about it… When you started out on your entrepreneurial journey wasn’t it all...
63 Entrepreneurial Beliefs That Play A Role In Your Success

63 Entrepreneurial Beliefs That Play A Role In Your Success

Entrepreneurial beliefs are a funny thing. Actually any belief.  Not just entrepreneurial ones.They either make you, or they break you. But what’s really interesting about them is that a lot of times we don’t even know what these beliefs are. So I thought...
Successful Entrepreneurs Are Followers And So Are You

Successful Entrepreneurs Are Followers And So Are You

That’s right successful entrepreneurs are followers and so are you. I doesn’t matter what you think, or what your clients/customers fans tell you, you are a follower. And I can prove it to you. How? Simple. Are you an entrepreneur? If you answered yes to this...
The Real AJ Roberts Story

The Real AJ Roberts Story

Who is the real AJ Roberts? Well, first off… He’s a pretty cool dude that I’ve known for a while now. He knows his stuff, is very good at what he does, and has been around the entrepreneurial world for more than a few years. A lot of people in the...