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Did you know that goal setting doesn’t work?

Did you also know that accountability and mindset training doesn’t work either?

I know… that’s some straight up BS right there… isn’t it?

Almost every single entrepreneur and successful business person…

Sets goals, works on dialing in their mindset and has had coaches that hold them accountable.

If that’s the case then why am I saying “they doesn’t work?”

Well, I came across this crazy idea because of Dax Moy.

So I wanted to interview him on this because it sounds like what he is saying is the exact opposite of almost everyone else.

I mean, have you ever heard of someone in the entrepreneurial world say that goal-setting doesn’t work?

Maybe one or two people. But it’s very rare.

So when Dax starting talking about it I knew it was time to speak to him about it.

I knew there was a deeper level to it than just “goal setting doesn’t work,” or mindset training doesn’t work.

And that’s exactly where Dax goes in this episode.

He goes into how the brain has to be running optimally first before goal setting, mindset, accountability, and all those things can work.

If the brain is not running right, it doesn’t matter what type of goals you set, or how much mindset work you do, or even how many coaches you have…

It’ll be damn hard to get where you want to go.

And it was a pretty fascinating conversation especially hearing about how Dax ended up on this journey,

So if you’re into becoming a better entrepreneur and achieving success or maybe even understanding your customers and clients better…

This will be an interesting interview to listen to.

And if nothing else you will get to learn exactly why goal setting doesn’t work if the brain is not in the right place.

So check it out…

Listen Here To Dax’s Interview

Episode Highlights

  • Who is Dax Moy?
  • How Dax got started in the business world and what type of businesses he ran.
  • What traumatic event happened to Dax in 2004 that completely changed his life.
  • Why he was able to live years with no issues after this event. 
  • What the trigger was that brought the whole experience all rushing back.
  • What type of toll this took on him personally and professionally.
  • What type of physical and emotional responses took place because of the PTSD
  • How he started to manage the PTSD
  • What made him realize that the brain was the key issue and it wasn’t anything like mindset or accountability
  • Why he was setting goals but rarely following through with them.
  • Why it was difficult to achieve his goals and how it made him feel like an impostor.
  • How he figured out that setting goals, willpower and accountability only work if the brain is in the right place.
  • What it means to “speak brain.”
  • How social structures and environment play a role in getting the brain to operate correctly.
  • How the brain gets wired to respond in certain ways.
  • Why you can rewire the brain.
  • How to rewire the brain.
  • When the optimal time is to set goals.

A final note on all of this…

There is nothing wrong with having and setting goals. In fact, it’s important.

According to Dax, it’s all about understanding where you need to be to set the goals to follow through with them.

So if you’re curious to know how this all works or even just wondered why goal setting doesn’t work, this interview with Dax is worth a listen.