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So what is the most dangerous personal issue we face?

Is it fear?

Is it ego?

Maybe it’s procrastination???

The truth is it’s what you believe it is.

Honestly, whatever you believe it is, that’s the most dangerous for you. 

And in this episode, the rabbit hole gets opened up and we get to dive deep into it. 

Now, I may be wrong with all of this…

But from what I’ve seen, experienced, worked on, and worked with others on…

It kind of stands out that our society has a major issue with this and in fact, I think it even drives most of the first world.

It’s not just entrepreneurs and high-achievers who are challenged with this dangerous personal issue…

It can be anyone of almost any age as well.

The positive of this is…

Once you know what it is, and it is changed…

It’s as if a whole new world opens up.

There’s a feeling of a new life, a weight off your shoulders, and…

A version of you that you didn’t realize existed. 

I know I’m being a bit coy about this but I don’t want to spill all the beans here. I want you to listen to the podcast so you can get the whole context and see why this may be the most dangerous personal issue we face.

So if you’d like to know for sure then take a listen to this podcast.

Listen Here To Find Out What The Most Dangerous Personal Issue Is

Episode Highlights

  • What the most dangerous personal issue is that we carry around.
  • What feeds this issue and what creates it.
  • At what age this issue develops.
  • How easy it is for this to develop.
  • Why it infects so many people.
  • Why it impacts so many parts of our lives
  • How your self-worth can be so easily manipulated.
  • Why some people choose the career they do because of this issue.
  • How perfectionism is a key trait of self-worth and value issues.
  • How a know it all” becomes a know it all.
  • What chasing money is really a cover for.
  • How relationships can be created and destroyed by this issue.
  • How you can see this issue in others once you are aware of it.
  • Why this issue is the underlying issue for almost all others.
  • How exercising and working out are impacted by this issue as well.
  • What this challenge can do to you and to others.

Lastly,  it’s important to know that no matter what is mentioned in this episode and the examples that are listed…

Does not mean you are screwed or even fall into this issue. 

This podcast was created with the intent to raise awareness of one of the most dangerous personal issues out there. That way some sort of growth and change can be made from it. 

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