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So it’s really important to talk about how entrepreneurs can manage the stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The key piece to this is to understand that it’s not just the stress entrepreneurs and business owners feel during the pandemic it’s the stress and anxiety that will be felt long after it as well.

So if you’re reading this know that this episode will not just be applicable for any entrepreneur during the “rona” pandemic but it’ll be useful for years after things clear up.

What’s shared in this episode are not just the usual tools that people talk about to manage stress and anxiety.

There’s one extra piece to be applied that will not only help manage with stress in the moment but make things easier for the rest of your life.

Let’s face it…

The stress entrepreneurs are facing right now because of the coronavirus pandemic is massive. And it’s taking place on a global scale. Businesses are closing up shop, lives are being destroyed, so it’s a massive shit show.

Stress and anxiety levels are through the roof and even as things open back up a lot of that stress will persist. That’s because no one has any answers and there is so much uncertainty.

And the uncertainty and fear that exists is causing a lot of “strangeness” and acting out among business owners and entrepreneurs.

In this episode, you’ll hear where the “acting out” is coming from, why it’s normal, but also how it can create more stress. As mentioned above you’ll hear about the tools and strategies that will help to manage all of this.

So if things are a little crazy right now with business and life it’s my hope that this episode will show how entrepreneurs can manage stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

And you’ll see how to manage the chronic stress and anxiety that may come because of the “rona.”

Listen To The Episode Here

Episode Highlights

  • What the “why questioning process” is and what it can uncover.
  • Why defying governmental orders may not necessarily be because of a violation of constitutional rights.
  • Why the normal “dealing with risk and uncertainty” has been thrown right out the window.
  • How entrepreneurs are dealing with uncertainty right now.
  • What has been removed from the entrepreneur’s toolbox that is making things more difficult.
  • Why the foundational beliefs of entrepreneurs are getting hammered right now.
  • Why all entrepreneurs feel they have control of their lives but right now they don’t.
  • How “action alleviating anxiety” is causing more harm than good.
  • Why many entrepreneurs are putting others at risk right now.
  • Why there’s nothing wrong with business owners or entrepreneurs.
  • Why it’s OK to not be OK.
  • What entrepreneurs have to admit about themselves right now that may be hard to face.
  • What the 4 main stress and anxiety releases are.
  • Why those 4 stress relievers are all limited right now.
  • What the practice of letting go is.
  • How to let go.
  • How long it takes to let go.

One final note…

A few of the things said in this episode may be a bit controversial. A few things may be difficult to hear. None of it means there’s anything wrong with anyone.

People believe what they want. This episode shares some of the general psychological breakdowns of why people do what they do.

But if you’d like to understand how entrepreneurs can manage stress caused by the coronavirus pandemic and why they’re doing what they’re doing…

Have an open mind and take a listen to this episode.

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