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Yvonne Radley wasn’t just dating her business partner.  She was engaged and ready to marry her former business partner.

But the relationship turned south unexpectedly and completely threw her for a loop.

Now there are a lot of entrepreneurs out there who are personally involved with their business partner.

Hell, I’ve even been there and learned some very valuable lessons myself 😉

So this begs the question… is dating your business partner a good thing? What about marrying your business partner?

In reality,  having a personal relationship with a business partner makes things very “interesting.”

When things are going well… things are great.

When things are not going so smoothly, well…

It can be pure hell.

If you don’t believe me just watch a few episodes of “The Profit” and you’ll see what I mean.


This is a topic that isn’t really discussed much. So I thought it would be an important one to cover.

And in this episode of The Other Side Of Being An Entrepreneur, I was able to have Yvonne go into what life was like while she was dating and engaged to her former business partner.

She was open about it and spent a good amount of time explaining what happened to her when the relationship had abruptly fallen apart.

Everything from how it happened, how she felt, to how it affected her personally and business wise.

It’s pretty interesting to say the least.

And this is something that many entrepreneurs go through as well. Not all of them are able to pick themselves up after what Yvonne went through.

So listen in to Yvonne share what life was like for her during this time and how she was able to bounce back even stronger.

Highlights From Yvonne’s Interview On Dating/Marrying Your Business Partner

  • Why Yvonne felt lost
  • Why she walked away from her business
  • How she started a new business
  • Why personal relationships can be good for business
  • How quickly things turned sour in the relationship
  • What Yvonne did with the business
  • How she was able to launch a program during the breakup.
  • What emotions she was feeling and what those emotions did to her
  • Why she was so angry at the world and how she overcame it
  • How Yvonne was able to work through those emotions
  • How to keep balanced during tough relationship times
  • Why hiding away hurts the business
  • How to find your “anchors” and take care of yourself

This interview with Yvonne is a very different one coming from an entrepreneur.  We love to hear the success stories and the people who make tons of money.  But in reality Yvonne’s interview represents the real life of an entrepreneur

The Other Side Of Being An Entrepreneur!!!

So definitely listen to what she shares because there are some gold nuggets in there on how to deal with the tough personal stuff that all entrepreneurs go through at some point.

Also, if you’re going through something similar right now…

Know that it will eventually work itself out.

And if you need someone to talk to or that can help with this stuff, just hit me up.

To learn more about what Yvonne is up to visit her site at… www.bigmeupmedia.com

Finally, I’d love to know if you’ve been in any situations that are similar.  Leave a comment below and let me know. 🙂