Is It Better To Make Things Happen Or Let Things Happen?
Over the past few years, there’s been something I’ve really been wrestling with. And that is, is it better to make things happen or let things happen? Now, in the entrepreneurial world it seems like it’s all about… Making things happen. Getting...
Why We Do What We Do And How To Create Real, Long-Lasting Change
Maybe it’s just me but a lot of times I wonder why we do what we do. I mean, why would someone knowingly ingest things that are known to kill them over time. Why would someone decide to jump out of a plane? Why would we continue in a job, career, or business...
What Will Life Be Like For Entrepreneurs After The Coronavirus?
This episode we’ll specifically answer the question what will life be like for entrepreneurs after the coronavirus? In the previous episode, we spoke about what life would be like in general based on different industries like real estate, healthcare, education,...
The Truth About The Coronavirus And What It Really Is
So what’s the truth about the coronavirus? Well, we all know it’s a virus. We all know it’s contagious. And we all know that people have died from it. Those are facts but that’s not really what this virus is. Now before I go any further I can...