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Successful Entrepreneurs Are Followers And So Are You

Successful Entrepreneurs Are Followers And So Are You

That’s right successful entrepreneurs are followers and so are you. I doesn’t matter what you think, or what your clients/customers fans tell you, you are a follower. And I can prove it to you. How? Simple. Are you an entrepreneur? If you answered yes to this...
The Real AJ Roberts Story

The Real AJ Roberts Story

Who is the real AJ Roberts? Well, first off… He’s a pretty cool dude that I’ve known for a while now. He knows his stuff, is very good at what he does, and has been around the entrepreneurial world for more than a few years. A lot of people in the...
The Lost Art Of Having Fun As An Entrepreneur

The Lost Art Of Having Fun As An Entrepreneur

You know things have gotten way too serious when I have to title an article… “The Lost Art Of Having Fun As An Entrepreneur. i truly believe entrepreneurs have forgotten how to have fun. In fact… I’m kinda fed up with how serious we are as...
The Top 14 Biggest Lies Entrepreneurs Are Being Told

The Top 14 Biggest Lies Entrepreneurs Are Being Told

A little while back I wrote an article called The Biggest Lie That Entrepreneurs Are Told.  Well I also asked the same question on Facebook as well.  And I had some interesting responses. So It made me think… What would happen if I reached out to...
The Biggest Lie That Entrepreneurs Are Told

The Biggest Lie That Entrepreneurs Are Told

Any idea on the biggest lie that entrepreneurs are told? Well I’ve found out that it’s so big that most entrepreneurs don’t even realize it’s a lie. Seriously, it’s that engrained in us. And that is pretty scary. It’s also so big...

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